Course Title:

Successfully Selecting Contractors and Consultants: Tendering, Bidding & Award – Certified Program

Course ID:

050824 0180 275PRA

Course Dates :




Course Duration :


Course Location:

Los Angeles, California


Course Fees GBP £ :

Primary Price


VAT may vary depending on the country where the course or workshop is held

Course Fees USD $:

Advisory Price


VAT may vary depending on the country where the course or workshop is held

Course Category:

Professional and CPD Training Programs

Construction Management, Contract, Tendering, Budgeting, Estimating

Course Certified By:

* Professional Training and CPD Programs
* Executive Diploma Certificate
* Executive Masters Certificate

* LondonUni
* Others

United Kingdom

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

Course Information


Welcome to our Certified Program on "Successfully Selecting Contractors and Consultants: Tendering, Bidding & Award."
This comprehensive course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex process of selecting contractors and consultants for various projects.
Whether you are a project manager, procurement professional, or involved in the tendering process, this program will provide valuable insights to enhance your decision-making and ensure successful outcomes.


• Understand the fundamentals of tendering, bidding, and award processes.
• Learn how to effectively evaluate contractor and consultant proposals.
• Explore strategies for mitigating risks during the selection process.
• Gain insights into legal and ethical considerations in contractor and consultant selection.
• Enhance your ability to negotiate and finalize contracts with selected parties.

Who Should Attend?

This program is ideal for:
• Project managers
• Procurement professionals
• Contract administrators.
• Construction managers
• Engineers
• Government officials
• Anyone involved in the tendering, bidding, and award process.

Training Method

• Pre-assessment
• Live group instruction
• Use of real-world examples, case studies and exercises
• Interactive participation and discussion
• Power point presentation, LCD and flip chart
• Group activities and tests
• Each participant receives a 7” Tablet containing a copy of the presentation, slides and handouts
• Post-assessment

Program Support

This program is supported by:
* Interactive discussions
* Role-play
* Case studies and highlight the techniques available to the participants.

Daily Agenda

The course agenda will be as follows:
• Technical Session 08.30-10.00 am
• Coffee Break 10.00-10.15 am
• Technical Session 10.15-12.15 noon
• Coffee Break 12.15-12.45 pm
• Technical Session 12.45-02.30 pm
• Course Ends 02.30 pm

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

Course Outlines

Week 1

Day 1:
Introduction to Tendering and Bidding
• Overview of tendering processes
• Understanding bidding requirements
• Legal and regulatory framework

Day 2:
Prequalification of Contractors and Consultants
• Criteria for prequalification
• Prequalification procedures
• Case studies and best practices

Day 3:
Request for Proposal (RFP) Development
• Components of an effective RFP
• Writing clear and concise RFPs
• RFP evaluation criteria

Day 4:
Proposal Evaluation Techniques
• Evaluation methodologies
• Weighted scoring systems
• Practical exercises and simulations

Day 5:
Negotiation Strategies
• Techniques for successful negotiations
• Identifying and addressing common issues
• Role-play scenarios

Week 2

Day 6:
Contract Management Essentials
• Contract types and structures
• Key contract clauses and provisions
• Contract administration best practices

Day 7:
Risk Management in Contractor and Consultant Selection
• Identifying and assessing risks
• Mitigation strategies
• Case studies and group discussions

Day 8:
Ethical and Legal Considerations
• Ethical standards in procurement
• Legal frameworks and compliance
• Case studies on ethical dilemmas

Day 9:
International Perspectives and Cross-Cultural Considerations
• Cultural differences in tendering processes
• International procurement standards
• Case studies from diverse global contexts

Day 10:
Finalizing Contracts and Awarding Process
• Contract negotiation and finalization
• Awarding contracts and consultant agreements
• Post-award debriefing and evaluation

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

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